Brilliant ! These guys are going to be huge.
Chris Evans BBC Radio 2
A trip to the venue in Derby during an open mic night (where James Morrison himself was discovered) led to a meeting with Hannah Garner and David Amar with whom Bucknall was most impressed.
David Amar is a multi-instrumentalist who has been playing since he was a small child and beauty Hannah Garner had just formed a YouTube channel onto which she loaded tracks of herself singing acappella renditions of various covers into a web cam.
So well received were these little amateur videos that not only had hundreds of thousands of fans viewed them but several thousand actually subscribed to the channel. Hannah was only 17 years old at the time.
Bucknall, who is responsible for discovering and producing Sony / BMG’s Sam Beeton, signed them first to the Cubit Recordings label and then took them into his Nottingham based “Nursery” studios and began recording an album for the talented duo together with co producer and writer Robert de Fresnes and Miss 600 was born. Released in the summer 2011, the album entitled “Buying Time” showcased their talent around simple catchy pop tunes with more than a jazz twist.
Miss 600 enjoyed massive exposure towards the end of 2011, with their debut single “Twist” making the BBC Radio2 A-list and remaining there for an incredible seven weeks. Their next single, “Typically Me” also made playlists across the UK (including the Radio 2 A List, again) and live performances on “Dancing With the Stars” in Poland (in front of millions) and Sir Terry Wogan’s BBC Radio 2 show in the UK have further enhanced their growing reputation.
In the Autumn of 2012, Miss 600 signed a licensing deal with the Membran Entertainment Group, the result of which saw ‘Buying Time’ released across Europe during 2013, while once again they graced the Radio 2 playlist with their next single, the Swing Electro styled 'Hello'.
Miss 600 return in 2014 with their second studio album which will be called 'Swing 'Ting'.